Why Culver City Needs a Poet Laureate

Dr. Janet HoultOP-EDLeave a Comment

[Editor’s Note: Dr. Hoult, who hopes to be appointed Culver City’s poet laureate, attended last night’s meeting of the Cultural Affairs Commission, charged with making recommendations. Here is her report.]

A couple months ago I went to the Cultural Affairs Commission to let them know that I was in the process of planning to have poetry contests during the Centennial in 2017.  I said I would be organizing poetry workshops/classes at the Senior Center and the Mame Clayton Library. I also told them I was developing a curriculum based on the history of Culver City.

All that was well received, and it was noted that the literary arts were not included in the mission of the CAC.

One of the CAC board members thanked me last night for being the spark in moving the city towards the establishment of a position of poet laureate.  It was also looked at as the beginning of incorporating the literary arts as a component of Culver City’s cultural affairs.

Last year, when City Councilman Jim Clarke suggested naming me the poet laureate for the Centennial and haveingme organize poetry contests, the Centennial Committee rightfully said that appointing a poet laureate was the job of the City Council.

Mehaul O’Leary, now the mayor, brought it up at a Council meeting. The ensuing discussion generated by Andy Weissman, now the vice mayor, resulted in a request that it be made an agenda item for a future meeting, which turned out to be Monday night.

As preparation for the meeting, I agreed to provide research for (City Clerk) Martin Cole, which I did.  It includes historical background, research on cities with poet laureate positions, a letter from Lethridge, our Sister City in Canada, and my suggestions.

At the request of the City Council ontwp nights ago, the CAC is putting together an ad hoc committee to develop the criteria for selection of a poet laureate, and the duties and responsibilities of a poet laureate.

I told them that I had developed a draft and will provide the information for them.  I already have sent Marla Koosed, the CAC chair, copies of the documents based on my research of three cities in California comparable in size to Culver City.

At her request, I will add other cities to that list so that the ad hoc committee will be informed on the variety of ways cities have developed their poet laureate positions.

I think that I am to be part of the ad hoc committee and that there will be one CAC member and the staff member Christine Byers.

As I said in my note to the City Council, it would have been nice to have been named the de facto poet laureate since, for many years, I have been looked at as fulfilling that role.

Although that did not happen, I am pleased at the acknowledgment by the City Council of the need for such a position.

I will continue to do what I can to encourage recognition of the literary arts.

Dr. Hoult may be contacted at HOULTight@aol.com

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