Times Gives Birth to New Instant Victim

Ari L. NoonanOP-EDLeave a Comment

Liberal racists who own uncomplicated minds are as happy as a transgendered new father when they can create, out of fumes and clouds, a fresh case of fake bias.

The polka-dot racists who make editorial decisions at the Los Angeles Times commonly are first to clamber onto the garbage truck and spew carefully worded lies about what a plantation contemporary America is.

Our subject is this morning’s lead story in the Times, which takes its cues from the NAACP as to which persons to brand as bigots.

Fearing that black radicals will torch the Times’s First Street headquarters, the newspaper brushes past criminal black behavior and reliably takes up the cudgel for black loons who claim to have been mistreated.

It is too early for normal people to determine whether the heavily overpublicized sassy black school girl in South Carolina was improperly handled for her outrageous misbehavior.

Rest easily, dear reader. It never is too early in these rad times for a liberal to determine that the miscreant is a victim because she is not white.

When the country is led by a racist President, it was the bet of the day that the FBI, at the direction of Mr. Obama, immediately plunges into the shrewdly muddied waters to conduct what it reflexively calls an investigation.

Meanwhile, editor Davy Maharaj and his editorial page cronies continue to find last week’s upheaval committed by the extremist Black Punks Matter movement unworthy of finger-shaking criticism – because BPM might bomb them. When the Times sold its soiled soul to liberal causes, its lifetime supply of courage was included in the deal.

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