Times (Getting Cramps?) Continues to Cower, Whimper

Ari L. NoonanOP-EDLeave a Comment

Patrisse Cullors

How rich that the selectively alert Los Angeles Times this morning spanked the Carson City Clerk for allegedly disparaging remarks about blacks, but it has steadfastly refused to editorialize against the raving, work-allergic racists in the Black Punks Matter movement for their criminal behavior last week at a prominent black church.

The cowardly newspaper fears retaliation against their premises by black radicals.

Being liberals, they do not owe fealty to anything remotely resembling principles.

Therefore, they can wallow in sawdust, divert their eyes,  pretend they don’t realize they are committing dereliction of journalistic responsibility.

That is why critiques are warranted every day that the Times behaves like a simpering l’il girl.

How manly of the journalistic sissies.

They run daily news stories on the cover page of the second section about how 50 bored Punks attempted to crudely intimidate Mayor Garcetti when he came to the church in a peace-making gesture.

Today they are quoting a dim dolly named Patsy (taken from her lack of courage) Cullors, billed as a co-founder of the Black Punks Matter movement.

Patsy was stomping her raggedy sneakers in her 31st temper outburst of the day. She kvetched that Mayor Garcetti had promised last July to meet with her illiterate yahoos – if they invested first in a generous serving of soap and water. Just kidding.

Patsy, known as a taker, took umbrage at the mayor.

Just because they smell, their speaking is confined to single syllables, they burp in rhythmic patterns and have declined to clutter their days with employment since they began shaving every day, Patsy the Patsy said these were insufficient reasons to snub the Punks.

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