These Are the Rhymes That Try Men’s Souls

Dr. Janet HoultOP-EDLeave a Comment

Photo: Indiana Arts Commission

[Editor’s Note: Long recognized as the premier public poet of Culver City, Dr. Hoult sent the following email to the City Council on Monday evening after members determined that naming of a poet laureate first should be studied by the Cultural Affairs Commission.]

Hello Culver City City Councilmembers,

It was heartening to see that you are all in favor of having a poet laureate for Culver City.

I have written Marla Koosed, CAC chair, and forwarded her the documents I prepared for (City Clerk) Martin Cole.

I told her that I will be happy to work with the CAC in order to get the process established.

Regina, the vice chair of the CAC, has also mentioned that she thinks there should be a literary component in the mission of the CAC…a poet laureate position can be the beginning.

It would have been delightful to have been named the first honorary poet laureate this evening.

But it was clear that we need to avoid any problems that could arise from folks who would object that they were not given an opportunity to apply.

I think, in working with the CAC, we can develop some guidelines based upon those established by other cities, and present you with a plan that could be used for years to come when appointing poets laureate in the future.

(My husband) Charley was convinced the “anointing” would be this evening. He had a bouquet to surprise me…

I’ve just put them in a vase. I told him I would look at them as belated flowers for Mother’s Day, which he forgot about!

Regards to you all,


Dr. Hoult, retired English professor, may be contacted at

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