Obama, Kerry Don’t Even Try to Mask Their Hatred

Ari L. NoonanOP-EDLeave a Comment

Housing construction last week on the outskirts of Ramat Shlomo, a Jewish housing development in East Jerusalem. (Jim Hollander/European Pressphoto Agency)

By the twisted reasoning of America’s two most prominent out-of-the-closet anti-Semites, Barack Obama and Johnny Kerry, Israelis building homes in Israel represent a greater threat to the fictional “two-state solution” than do daily terror attacks by Palestinian terrorists against Israelis.

In the tradition of wife-beaters, the obnoxious President and the dreary Secretary of State boast, on the one hand, how financially generous they have been to Israel. Meanwhile, they use the other hand to plunge a shiv into Jerusalem’s back with last Friday’s White House-driven U.N. resolution that outlaws home-building in parts of Israel.

Then again, this kind of crippled, hate-loaded reasoning is what we have learned to expect from two massively underproductive narcissists.

The dominant sycophantic left-wing media reflexively praises both men every day for merely putting on their shoes and accomplishing nothing of note while obsessively seeking to hurt the Jews of Israel – because they are Jews.

Messrs. Obama and Kerry are late to the party. Jew hatred began when the world was 10 minutes old. Judging by public events of the past week, they are closing the gap fast.

Besides OD’ing on self-braggadocio, can we be more specific about exactly why President Obama has dedicated his closing stench-drenched hours in the White House to maniacally delegitimizing the Jewish state and, not incidentally, President-elect Trump?

One of the most amazing nuggets to emerge from the bleak last eight years in America is that after two full terms in Washington, we know much less about Muslim-born Mr. Obama’s life than we do about Mr. Trump, whom the media boys on the left have been instructed to pillory.

Leftist orthodoxy dictates that it is racist to probe the background of Mr. Obama because he is black. Leftists hold it is obligatory to probe – or create – Mr. Trump’s background because he is white. Democrats founded the Klan, and they are enabling it to rise again.

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