May I Borrow Your Photo?

Ari L. NoonanOP-EDLeave a Comment


If this is the Thursday before Election Day, the familiar cacophony in the background must be the sound of liberal racists dragging a bony old black woman to a microphone, shouting “See! See!”

For the last half-dozen election cycles, liberals, who invented American voter fraud, have presented hapless elderly black ladies before the public to prove that Republican legislators are anti-black, an act that belongs on Comedy Central.

Donny Lemon of the Clinton News Network has been a significant enabler of the lie that Voter ID laws (which have slowed but not erased Democratic fraud) are unfair to minorities, ladies and that ol’ standby, millennials.

When four of the leading airlines heard of this claim, they dropped their photo ID requirement on the grounds it would be unfair to liberals and other Democrat travelers.

Because of historic Democratic cheating in voting booths, when dead people and stars of traditional fairy tales routinely cast slews of ballots, Republican legislatures introduced the common sense notion of requiring photo IDs before entering voting booths.

Fearful liberals began shouting that this was unfair to their favorite anonymous voters.

As every schoolboy knows, minorities, ladies, young people, probably gays and likely transgenders, lack photo IDs because you never have heard of any of these people owning driver’s licenses, have you? Nah.

It only would take a slow thinking Democrat less than 5 seconds to deduce that this is a preposterous thesis, the modern-day version of a medicine man.

Common sense, though, is not a value for contemporary liberals.

President Obama, whose policies broadly have damaged blacks economically, joined the Voter ID circus yesterday. His single goal: To stir up the masses racially, a favorite trick throughout his 8 years in power.

He cited a 100-year-old black lady, without a valid photo, as proof that those darned Republicans are racists. Who could doubt the veracity of such a man?  Just because he has not quite mastered the art of rudimentary honesty about the simple things in life is no reason to be skeptical.

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