Liberals’ Heads Fall Off

Ari L. NoonanOP-EDLeave a Comment

Graphic: Tribune India

Beats there an American heart surprised by the hysterical lack of graciousness crudely shown today by the liberal bullies in and out of the media who have devoted the last 17 months to spinning savage fairy tales about President-elect Trump.

All-consuming petulant hatred of their many enemies leaves no space for grace in the quivers of anger-obsessed leftists.

Their envy of Republican normalcy and traditionalism stains an emotion-driven, thought-free movement that chokes daily on an uninterrupted diet of racism and sexism.

For a year and a half, liberal bullies doubled their bloody fists and strutted across the front pages of the nation’s supposedly most prestigious newspapers – except for The Wall Street Journal. They spat out wild tales about Mr. Trump. Occasionally, they hit a true one.

These same chaps and chapettes who twice voted rapist Bill Clinton into the White House are feigning shock this afternoon that Mrs. Corrupt Clinton was not elected a successor to her husband and his, uhh, rapier wit.

Miscreant liberal bullies probably should be spanked and sent to bed without their dinner but armed with their knives and guns in case of bum dreams.

Since Mr. Trump was elected a few hours ago, the Democrat bullies who spent the summer starting fights at Trump rallies now are linking the President-to-be’s name to their swastika drawings on public buildings and cries of white supremacy.

Apparently, that is all that liberals have, shorn, as they are, of any substantive political philosophy. Name-calling is good for whatever libs use as a substitute soul.

Republicans have ample experience with losing. When they lose, though, they usually behave as if they own two legs not four.

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