Izzy Just Wrong? Or Ignorant, Too?

Ari L. NoonanOP-EDLeave a Comment

Mr. Hall

Even for a yahoo leftist, Isadore Hall’s much-hyped nascent career as a state legislator is off to a humiliating start for one who hopes to be taken seriously.

His nose is not all that he is blowing these days.

Scampering jauntily down a corridor in Sacramento the other day, bellowing “I believe in free speech (for liberals who agree with me),” the new pedestrian Assemblyman from Compton committed a despicable act of bigotry that he ostensibly decries (wink, wink).

Blessing himself as he went — a good little Democrat must kneel and pray twice daily at the altar of political correctness – Mr. Hall, in a moment of peanut-sized wisdom, joined the gargling chorus of unshaven, overweight leftist thugs and bullies. With the spiritual permission of Pope Barack and President Francis, Mr. Hall and his fellow midgets have upstaged God and determined that Donald Trump must be punished.

Scantily educated in the niceties of the normal world, and flicking off notions of aesthetic subtlety with his well-worn trigger finger, Mr. Hall stared into a filched thimble before submitting a resolution to his colleagues in the Legislature:

Feeling brave because he was surrounded by pals sporting brass knuckles and flying on liquid courage, Mr. Hall’s tantrum document urged the brilliantly run state government to drop into copycat mode and divest itself from investments in Mr. Trump’s business concerns.

Why? Because Mr. Hall was offended by Mr. Trump’s speech the other day. He could not quite recall what Mr. T said.

Izzy, pal, don’t send your laundry out.

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