Fresh Take on Mielke’s Anti-Drug Stance

David MielkeBreaking News, OP-EDLeave a Comment

During summer vacation, Mr. Mielke teaches water safety on the East Coast


I recently had the opportunity to be a guest on the Peter Breggin Hour, and a number of you have encouraged me to share the link throughout the School District. Here it is.

Peter Breggin is a Harvard-trained psychiatrist who has led a reform movement that questions the safety and effectiveness of using drugs, instead of psychotherapy, to address the challenges we face in life.

He has been particularly forceful in questioning the widespread prescription of drugs to children.  (According to the Centers for Disease Control, 1 in 23 American kids are on drugs for attention. 1 in 40 take anti-depressants.)

Are these drugs safe?  Effective?  How do their results compare with drug-free interventions?  What does the relapse data tell us?

I think you will find Peter’s work, and our discussion, thought-provoking.

He and I explored these issues, and we discussed how his work has influenced my thinking and the design of the psychology class I teach here at Culver City High School.

We also delve into what has become a common label for many of our kids, ADHD.

Is this a real disorder?

Or is it just a constellation of behaviors that teachers don’t like?

Is it true that there is no objective test for ADHD?

And how does the label affect our students’ effort and sense of self?

If I keep going on, you won’t have to listen to the podcast!

Thanks for letting me share this with you.

Mr. Mielke, longtime president of the Teachers Union, may be contacted at

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