Donald Trumps Obama

Ari L. NoonanOP-EDLeave a Comment

Mr. Trump. Photo: Richard Shiro / AP Photo

Every hour for the past six weeks, classy Donald Trump has demonstrated how he simultaneously became one of America’s smartest and wealthiest entrepreneurs, a worthy winner of the White House. He may join the premier tier of American presidents.

With equally resounding clarity, President Trump’s greenly jealous critics on the left have shown why the shrewdest voters spanked them.

For the first time in eight years, the White House will be led by a grownup. Saturday Night Live will return to a television studio.

Merciless mockery is what is what little boys and girls do when their parents are not in view.

Real men lead, as Mr. Trump has been doing.

Daily he executes strokes of brilliance, assembling a cast of impressive worthies.

Frustrated leftists dash about pulling little girls’ pigtails, the only trick they have left.

The left’s envy of Trump-style Republican success is as much of an embarrassment to our country as the achievement-free  Obama administration has been since November 2008. That is not entirely accurate. Petty-centric Mr. Obama profited. He used the White House to become a multi-millionaire, not bad for his 5-hour work months.

At least he can boast of glutting the air with unwelcome emissions. Work-averse Barak and social butterfly Michelle maintained an incessant foreign and domestic travel schedule. Each time they were accompanied by hundreds of aides whose chief requirement was to soothe the Double-O’s frequently manicured, easily ruffled feelings.

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