Cheap Streep Flails and Falls Back

Ari L. NoonanBreaking News, OP-EDLeave a Comment

Meryl Streep. Photo: ABC News

Just before slipping back into Hollywood irrelevancy, smarmy Meryl Streep, the noted political commentator, took a swipe the other night at the almost-president of the United States.

Shrewd, eh?

How better to revive a 67-year-old’s flagging career.

The liberal senior citizen wore a plunging neckline to the Golden Globes. Unsurprisingly, no one looked.

If her eye-free body couldn’t attract a tiny crowd, she hoped her undisciplined mouth might.

For her next trick, Cheap Streep climbed awkwardly onto the back of the Most Celebrated American of Modern Times, a gentleman who vexes libby boys and girls.

He refuses to bow to their daily vulgarities, to their ostentatious attempts to defame him before their careers melt.

He is rising. She is fading, a perfect stunt for her.

Cheap Streep’s ace card was the ever pliable Los Angeles Times, always game to play naïve foil to the latest liberal whoring to regain the spotlight.

After carefully combing the crowd to insure her target was far away, Cheap Streep unloosed a juvenile – but typically inaccurate — fusillade at President-elect Trump.

Times reporter Cheeky Cathy Decker, a hardline lib who also has been ordered to loathe our next president, hefted her hefty self into Cheap Streep’s lap. “Tell me a story, huh, please,” she begged.

As a graybeard libby, cheeky Cathy is accustomed to writing fawning pieces about bitter old ladies.

Militantly following directions from her minder, Cheeky Cathy blamed Mr. Trump for the dustup. Just as he also was responsible – according to libs — for the Crimean War, the Boxer Rebellion, and pilloried Hillary’s lies and crimes.

Cheeky Cathy, presumably deliberately, repeated the lie about Mr. Trump’s treatment of a crippled reporter.

Principally, though, ol’ Cheeks vulgarly faulted tweeting Mr. Trump for deliberately standing in front of Cheap Streep’s girly gun and replying out loud just because Cheap Streep spit in his eye.

What gall Mr. Trump displayed, said Cheeky Cathy, taking liberties that honest reporters abhor.

Just as the libby press faulted Mr. Trump a few months ago for replying to the racist insult punks from the cast of the Broadway play “Hamilton,” ol’ Cheeky Cathy blamed Mr. Trump for talking back against her distortions and untruths.

Mr. Trump branded Cheap Streep as “a flunky for Hillary, who lost big,” and that is the lasting image of Cheap, a flunky for her leftist pals.

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