A Vote for Hillary Is a Vote for ‘Amerika’

Robert ZirgulisBreaking News, OP-EDLeave a Comment

The Anybody But Hillary movement says vote for anybody else, including Green candidate Jill Stein

To all of my Hillary-supporter friends, acquaintances and enemies:

I have been a registered Democrat since 1972.

I was an intern in Washington, D.C. during the Watergate hearings, protesting Nixon, I was a radical environmentalist, and a human rights activist.

I even voted for Bernie Sanders over Hillary in the primaries.

Don’t you dare try and pigeonhole me or dismiss me as a right-winger or try to use the race card or some other insult because I am voting against Hillary.

I am asking you to honestly keep an open mind. Be intellectually honest about what Hillary has done and the dangers it will bring if she is elected.

Folks, what is happening now with the latest Clinton scandals makes Watergate a children’s garden party.

Not just emails.

It is obstruction of justice by deleting 33,000 emails under Congressional subpoena. This is a crime.

The corruption of President Obama’s Dept. of Justice to not get a special prosecutor to convene a grand jury for such an obvious breaking of the law is scary.

It signals that there is a selective rule of law. This is tantamount to a dictator in a banana republic ignoring crimes committed by his friends.

Hillary did not delete those emails  because they were for her personal yoga and wedding plans. Those deleted emails were proof that Hillary and Bill Clinton were using their Clinton Foundation as a front  and a scheme to extort money from companies and dictators for their pay-for- play schemes of influence peddling.

Not only did the Clintons extort money to get donations for their foundation, they would request – and receive — exorbitant speaking or consulting fees on top of the donations.

How do you suppose the Clintons went from being broke when they left the White House in 2001 to amassing a fortune of $250 million?

I am not a fan of Donald Trump. He is a male chauvinist pig.

But Bill is more of a male chauvinist pig than The Donald.

However, no matter how obnoxious you think Mr. Trump is, you have to agree that he would be a better and stronger negotiator than Hillary.  Just look how screwed up Hillary was in negotiating the $150 billion giveaway to Iran for their “promise” not to make a nuclear weapon. Give me a break.

I could go on about how incompetent Hillary is. “Clinton Cash,” which documents the Clintons’ pay-for-play schemes is a book you must read to really understand about the Clinton Crime Family.

Another thing that disgusted me about Hillary was when it was revealed in the undercover videos of James O’Keefe how Hillary thugs were used to provoke fights at Trump rallies and how the news media was in collusion and in the tank for Hillary.

Witness how Donna Brazile, interim head of the Democratic National Committee, gave advance questions to Hillary during the primary debates with Bernie Sanders.

A vote for Hillary is a vote for Amerika becoming a banana republic.

If you don’t want to vote for Mr. Trump, vote for anyone else but Hillary.  You will come to regret a vote for Hillary if she becomes president.

Mr. Zirgulis, a former City Council candidate, may be contacted zirgulsr@yahoo.com

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