4 Blacks Brutalize White Cripple. ‘Trump’s Fault.’

Ari L. NoonanBreaking News, OP-EDLeave a Comment


Four of the filthiest, most dangerous black criminals this side of hell kidnap and batter a mentally crippled boy because he is white.

This happened the other day in the new toilet seat of crime, Chicago.

Proud of their vile homegrown racist convictions, the white-loathing black thugs post live video of their obscenities on Facebook.

Fittingly the unspeakable act occurred in the latest hometown of President Obama. He leaves office in a few days with a deeply troubling record of having devoted eight years to driving a stake through the heart of what was burgeoning racial comity.

Hardline leftist media types were stumped by the Chicago filth. But not for long.

Should they report it?

Feels tricky because the unimaginable brutality puts the lie to their neon narrative:

All blacks are helpless victims of white bigots — especially those disgusting white men.

Conveniently, the black racist perpetrators rescued the briefly fretting leftists. Throughout the crime, the thugs barked obscenities about President-elect Trump and white people in general.

“Gad, what wonderful luck,” one leading leftist editor smilingly cried out to his staff. “This is the fault of that racist Trump. That is our angle. All blacks are victims. Remember that. Trump drove these four young people to do this nasty deed. Not their fault. Blame him.”

And so it is today in the Los Angeles Times and The New York Times.

Playing the crime down to an embarrassing level, page A-8, the L.A. Times dumped on conservatives for making a big deal out of what should have been a parochial story.

The main point of the reports in the Times of New York and Los Angeles:

Blame the enemy, Mr. Trump, because he is a Republican.

Mr. Obama said the act was life as usual. “What we have seen surfacing, I think, are a lot of problems that have been there a long time,” he said calmly.

Yes, starting with the day Mr. Obama took power on Jan. 20, 2009.

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