Robins Is in a Bond-ing Mode

Ari L. NoonanNewsLeave a Comment

From left, Sue Robins with City Councilman Jim Clarke, Board colleagues Kathy Paspalis, Laura Chardiet and Councilperson Meghan Sahli-Wells. Photo: CCEF

First in a series. 

The most significant issue she and her fellow School Board members are facing today, said Sue Robins, businesswoman and former teacher, is how to spend the $106 million bond money that voters approved last June.

“My focus right now is spending the money in the right order on the right projects,” she said.

There probably is broad priority agreement among Board members. No notable disputes have arisen yet, but votes to date have been sparse.

“Our program manager has been working diligently to get the right projects scheduled in the right order so they can get to work in the summer and take care of the most urgent projects,” Ms. Robins said.

She commended Mike Reynolds, assistant superintendent for business, “for doing an excellent job of keeping the Board up to date on what they are thinking, what they have in mind, what they are looking into, what the issues are. A lot of time outside of Board meetings is spent on these kinds of conversations.”

To the question of whether she has a favorite project, the former science teacher quickly responded.

“Absolutely I do,” she said. “It is not a secret I am strongly interested in improving our science education facilities.

“I talked about it constantly during my campaign for the Board (two years ago).  If there is a particular project I have my eye on, long-term yes,” Ms. Robins said, “Short term, it looks like they probably will be doing some repairs and small upgrades in the (Middle School) science lab this summer, just things that have to be done.

“Longer term, we are looking at something potentially more extensive.”

(To be continued)

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