Since 81 percent of non-serious, non-qualified students on Cal State’s 23 campuses fail – that is the operative term – to graduate, the wise semi-educators decided to dumb down the system.
Subtract requirements and artificially crank up the number of uneducated, unqualified students with degrees.
Remedial math and English classes for, uh, unqualified students is hereby killed because the classes were too difficult and they were not for credit anyway.
Forty percent of Cal State students – not applicants – are not qualified.
So Cal State obliges these misfits by making it easier for them to graduate without learning.
Thank you to the American Society of Bean-counters.
A separate question is why 40 percent of public school grads are qualified only to sell newspapers on a remote street corner in a ghost town where they will not have to count change very often.
No wonder charter schools are prospering.
Given this kind of widespread thinking, is anyone surprised at the pathetic national state of public school education.
The Cal State reasoning resembles a drunk navigating an obstacle course on four flat tires. Or dropping a passing train on top of an already wrecked train.
Since attending college in America, like immigration to America, has become, an embedded human right. Academic qualifications are inferior to the skin at birth and to the wide-ranging choice of genders at any age the gender-changer chooses to change.
Book-learning is so yesterday. Diversity, baby.
Result: Colorful and colorless kids who find it challenging to spell c-o-l-l-e-g-e shuffle onto university campuses.
Cal State is gregariously ambitious, too. Their new goal: to double the graduation rate to 40 percent in the next eight years. Then they can hook their polished thumbs into their bean-counting suspenders.
Smilingly they can boast that only 60 percent of their students are failures, dropouts.