Home OP-ED Would You Say Excessive?

Would You Say Excessive?

Robert Rosebrock

If you are not sure what Big Government implies, take a look at this essay by the veteran Scripps-Howard journalist Dale McFeatters, under the headline “An Entourage Surpassing the Queen.”

“President Obama showed up at theG-20 summit in London with everything but the kitchen sink – although he did bring the White House chef and the kitchen staff.

“The heads of government in London for the G-20 summit are discussing serious and weighty issues which in time will be duly reported on. But right now the British press is entranced by the sheer size of President Obama’s traveling entourage. No wonder.

“Obama arrived with 500 staff in tow, including 200 Secret Service agents, a team of six doctors, the White House chef and kitchen staff with the president’s own food and water.

“According to the Evening Standard, he also came with 35 vehicles, four speechwriters and 12 teleprompters. For sure, our president is not going to be at a loss for words.

“The press duly reported on Air Force One and all of its bells and whistles, but also om the presence of the presidential helicopter, Marine One, and a fleet of identical decoys to ferry him from the airport to central London.

“Among all of those vehicles is the presidential limousine, which mistakenly was referred to as Cadillac One.

“The limo, reinforced with ceramic and titanium armor, carries tear gas cannon, night-vision devices, its own oxygen, and it is resistant to chemical and radiation attack.”

I presume you have read about this in your local daily newspaper.

You didn’t?

Then you saw it on CNN.

No? Interesting.

You and I may never see healthcare again the way it used to be.

But President Obama took six doctors with him for a three-day visit to London, along with 494 other essential staff.
Can you imagine the cost to us as taxpayers? And only 50 percent of us actually pay taxes.

Mr. Rosebrock may be contacted at www.rosebrock1@aol.com


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