Home OP-ED Why Wyant? Why Not

Why Wyant? Why Not

Mr. Wyant at work

If you are a Permanent Absentee Voter, you  already have received your ballot this week for the April 12 City Council election.

Whether voting by mail or on Election Day, join with me and my fellow Council members Jeff Cooper and Jim Clarke, in voting for Scott Wyant.

Scott has been a friend and ally of mine for many years. I know his commitment to Culver City runs deep. His ability to serve our community is unquestionable.

Scott has always been willing to speak up and say what he believes, even if that doesn’t make him the most popular person in the room.

It is that type of backbone and leadership this city needs. It is the way I have endeavored to lead as a City Councilmember over the course of my eight years in office.

This election has many candidates, but only Scott has earned the support of the Culver City Firefighters, the Chamber of Commerce, the Culver City Employees Assn., the Beverly Hills/ Greater Los Angeles Assn. of Realtors, and the Apartment Assn. of Greater Los Angeles. Scott has a broad coalition of support which reflects his open minded approach to local government.

He is supported by School Board members Dr. Steven Levi and Anne Allaire-Burke, and many other current and past elected and appointed officials.

If you want to continue the balanced approach I have taken on the City Council, I can think of no better person to carry on my legacy than Scott Wyant.

Mr. Weissman, vice mayor, who will be term-limited next  month, may be contacted at andrewweissman@anwlaw.com


  1. There are a couple of reasons residents of Culver City should NOT vote for him. First, he is supported by and is an “ally” for many years of Weissman. For those of us who think little of Weissman’s ethics and competence, the recommendation is a tremendous negative. Second, in a matter that places the interests of residents and businesses at odds, he–as a loyal Chamber of Commerce Member–will support business at the expense of the residents.

    If you think that traffic is congested now, wait until more and more money generating projects are approved in Culver City. The Chamber of Commerce is concerned with money-money-money…. Residents are just a secondary inconvenience.

    We deserve better than Eriksson and Wyant. Culver City needs to get away from its current status as a company town. There are other City Council candidates who really care about residents and the quality of life for residents in Culver City. They, not Eriksson and Wyant, warrant your vote.


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