Home OP-ED Who Can Spell Michael Brown?

Who Can Spell Michael Brown?

Photo: Rick Wilking / Reuter

The tragedy of Ferguson is not that the dramatically undereducated denizens of the backward community yesterday honored an outlaw, teenage thug Michael Brown, on the anniversary of his self-willed death, but that so many possibly decent people were hornswoggled into participating in Thank the Thug Day.

Study the nearly half-page deep photo on the back page of the front section of this morning’s USA Today.

They bathe loudly and daily in the warm waters of I Am a Victim and, Happily, I Can’t Do Nuthin’ About It.

How many of them can spell Michael Brown’s first or last names?

They wallow in weepyhood. They wail almost sincerely when there is a police shooting.

Guess how many of the ill-begotten faces in that pathetic crowd finished high school. Maybe even grammar school.

What were they celebrating? We are victims.

If you had held this event last Wednesday at noon, the same faces would have shown up. As sure as the town is majority black, that assemblage of the unimaginative, the academically unwashed, isn’t heavy into being gainfully employed.

True to Thugsville’s reputation, gunfire broke out during the observance.

Logic is as baffling to these uncomplicated minds as the most intricate Einstein theory.

When could they protest?

Only in a simple-minded, professionally angry town like Ferguson, where 67 percent are black, could residents complain of Democrat party-driven racism because a majority of City Council members were white.

You, Mr. Bright Guy, outnumber Them 2 to 1, if race is your baseline for measuring candidates’ admirable assets.

No wonder Michael Brown grew up the way he did and his father talks, acts and looks like less than a role model.


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