Home OP-ED What I Believe

What I Believe

Robert Rosebrock

Fellow Americans, 

Today begins the Republican National Convention where factions will be shouting they are more conservative than the others.

In two weeks, the Democratic National Convention will begin with factions shouting they are more liberal and progressive than the others.

Each political party will claim it is best suited to lead Americans, but what do they really believe?

Personally, I am not beholden to either Party.

I am simply proud to be an American.

Today, everybody wants to live in America but not everybody wants to be an American.

What does it mean to be an “American”?

Here is what I believe.

  • I believe our individual rights come from God, not government.
  • I believe our nation’s government comes from the United States Constitution, not political platforms.
  • I believe our nation’s ideals come from the Declaration of Independence, not political ideology.
  • I believe our nation’s peace comes from superior armed forces, not political negotiations.
  • I believe our nation’s authority comes from sovereignty of the United States, not membership in the United Nations.
  • I believe our personal liberty comes from self-government, not government consent.
  • I believe our nation’s democracy comes from equal justice for all, not special privileges for a few.
  • I believe our nation’s prosperity comes from private enterprise, not government bureaucracy.
  • I believe our nation’s progress comes from budgetary restraint, not government excess.
  • I believe our nation’s greatness comes from individual success, not mass mediocrity.
  • I believe our personal achievement comes from unlimited opportunity, not limited opportunity.
  • I believe our personal property comes from private ownership, not public allocation.
  • I believe our personal worth comes from principled values, not measured wealth.
  • I believe our personal happiness comes from self-respect, not public praise.
  • I believe our nation’s goodwill comes from charitable fellowship, not government welfare.
  • I believe our nation’s public service comes from selfless sacrifice, not selfish opportunism.
  • I believe our nation’s commonality comes from being fellow Americans, not hyphenated-Americans.
  • I believe our nation’s future comes from American patriotism, not political loyalty.
  • I believe in Americanism.

© Robert L. Rosebrock – All Rights Reserved

Mr. Rosebrock may be contacted at rrosebrock1@aol.com


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