Home OP-ED Time to Move the Bed

Time to Move the Bed

Mike Hennessey
Mike Hennessey

Dateline Dayton — New carpeting was installed in our bedroom 10 days ago. I didn’t realize how much stuff we had in our bedroom, until I had to move it. With help from our son Chris, everything was out on Wednesday night, with the exception of the bed and the actual dressers.

On Thursday morning I took the bed apart and hauled it out, with the exception in the mattress and springs. When the carpet people arrived, they had slick sliders, which made easy work of the mattress, springs and dressers. They did a great job of installing. Looks nice, feels nice.

On Saturday we did a few errands. Again I was on the search — this time for a gold-colored towel rack. Three stores, no luck. Stores just don’t carry the items I am looking for. My son says I am old-fashioned. Gold is not in.

I spent an hour at our daughter’s condo, Saturday afternoon doing a little project, which bothered me, but probably no one else. I believe it looks great, but no one will even know what I did, unless I point it out to them. I will!

Saturday evening we went out for supper, as the three of us (Pauline, Chris and yours truly) were heading to a concert.

First we had to eat I gave three suggestions, knowing they would not entertain two of them. We ended up at Ladders 11, a converted Dayton firehouse. We were getting ready to eat when we saw our former daughter-in-law. Chris saw her dad, and went over to speak to him and found one of our granddaughters, Madison. She came over, and sat with us for a while and her mother also stopped by. They were celebrating a birthday. Shortly after the two of them left, our other granddaughter, Julia, arrived. Turns out, our table and the ones on each side of us, were the tables they were waiting on for their party.

After we left the restaurant, we headed to Westminster Church for a concert by The University of Michigan Men’s Glee Club. Outstanding. The glee club is one of the oldest collegiate choruses in the world. The Glee Club is known for its wide repertoire of music that incorporates selections from different musical styles and periods.

Sunday, we went to church and then Jon and his girls came over. Getting to see our granddaughters two days in a row, is a treat. Since we didn’t know they were coming over, we ended up going out for breakfast/lunch. In the evening we went to Julia’s indoor soccer match, which they won.

Off to Nevada

Wednesday, I left for my annual Las Vegas trip, to participate in the Silver Strike Tournament at the Four Queens Casino. I always have a good time. I could have a better time if I would win occasionally. I did finish in the money, although not much, last year. Maybe this is my year! This will be the second year I have gone by myself. Last year my brother-in-law, Willie didn’t feel up to going. He died in March. Sure do miss him.

I have reservations about going on this trip, due to Pauline’s illness. However, Chris is around, and he will take good care of her.

Thursday I visited with the editor, and my friend, Ari, in California. As you might recall, we’re both from Piqua and attended the same school, although Ari is much older, at least, two years.

On Thursday I will tell you about the trip.

Mr. Hennessey may be contacted at pmhenn@sbcglobal.net


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