Home OP-ED This Is Getting Personal

This Is Getting Personal

Mr. Kane

Dec. 28, 2015

Vincent Kane

Special Assistant to Secretary Robert A. McDonald

Dept. of Veterans Affairs

Good morning, Mr. Kane:

The anti-Veteran and anti-American executive leadership of VA Central Planning in Los Angeles has fraudulently, egregiously declared that when the Old Veterans Guard displays American flags on the outside of the VA fence during their Sunday afternoon rallies, it is an “Emergency Heads Up – Alert 2 Threat.”

Yesterday, VA Central Planning’s secret police force prowled, stalked and spied upon us during our 406th consecutive Sunday Rally while we patriotically displayed two small American flags on the VA fence in honor of the men and women who have defended our nation’s colors.

You can report to the Associate Director of Los Angeles VA’s Central Planning, Ms. Susan E. Shyshka, regarding her weekly email directive sent to the VA’s secret police on Sunday afternoons in which she routinely demands: “Do you have a report on Mr. Rosebrock? Did he show up today?”

Since you are part of this tyrannical charade, you can inform her: “Yes, Mr. Rosebrock showed up yesterday — just as he has over the past 7½ years of Sundays. He proudly displayed his American flags just as he has over the past seven months of Sundays.”

You may further notify Ms. Shyshka that the VA’s Central Planning’s private police force did not come out and illegally intervene in our Rally or confront us yesterday. Nor did they falsely cite us or illegally confiscate our American flags, which has happened on five Sundays over the past two months.

Instead, you can inform her that Mr. Rosebrock unilaterally removed his American flags at the end of yesterday’s Rally.

Mr. Kane, if you and your gestapo minions at VA Central Planning would enforce the law and evict the robber barons who unlawfully occupy Veterans property inside the VA — with the same relentless fervor that you issue falsified arrest citations, we would have ended Veteran homelessness long ago.

For nearly three months I have sent you a daily “Morning Memo,” challenging you on all your incompetence, lying, cheating and stealing of Veterans’ land, along with challenging you over your counterfeit promise to end Veteran homelessness in Los Angeles by the end of 2015.

You never once have responded.

This is consistent with your unreliability , as noted in the following atory that appeared on “Long March Home” — “Street Soldiers”  — http://www.longmarchhome.org/homelessness.html

“The VA recently established the National Center for Homeless Veterans to study the problem, to find ways to help veterans avoid homelessness and to help those in shelter and on the streets into permanent housing.

“The Center’s director Vince Kane did not reply to six requests by email and telephone requests in January and February to be interviewed for this project, save for one email response directing inquiries to his secretary. Calls to that number were not returned.

Mr. Kane, you have been put on notice for nearly three months about ending Veteran homelessness in Los Angeles with no return explanations.

Deliver quickly or leave town quickly.


Robert L. Rosebrock

Director, Old Veterans Guard

U.S. Army, 1965-67

God Bless America and the Veterans Revolution!

Mr. Rosebrock may be contacted at rrosebrock1@aol.com


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