Home OP-ED Sadness of Veterans Day

Sadness of Veterans Day

Image: Veterans for Peace

[Letter dated Nov. 11, 2015 to Vincent Kane, Special Assistant to Secretary Robert A. McDonald, Dept. of Veterans Affairs.] 

Good morning, Mr. Kane,

Today, Veterans Day, I am checking in to see if the elderly homeless Veteran severely beaten at your Stand Down last week on VA property is enjoying this Day in his honor.

Gale Holland of the Los Angeles Times says the VA has declared he is okay. Therefore there is no reason for her to report to the public on this unwarranted malicious assault.

Mr. Kane, all the crime, corruption, lying, cheating, stealing, retaliation and false arrests that have transpired since you, your crime boss — VA Secretary Robert A. McDonald and his personal VA attorney Cameron Gore — arrived 10 months ago, is unparalleled in American history.

This compounds the inhumane treatment of homeless Veterans that is escalating along with the criminal activity.

Veterans have less land since the VA’s crime boss stole more of it for his rich a cronies — co-finagled by his wealthy non-Veteran attorney friends Bobby Shriver and Ron Olson. There are more homeless Veterans since you, the homeless expert, arrived.

What a very sad Veterans Day this is in Los Angeles.

Mr. Kane, do the honorable thing.  Give America’s defenders of freedom and justice the best gift on this Veterans Day. Resign.  Take Messrs. McDonald and Gore with you.

God Bless America and the Veterans Revolution!

Mr. Rosebrock may be contacted at rrosebrock1@aol.com


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