Home OP-ED Rules for the Street

Rules for the Street

Scene in Dallas after five police officers were assassinated. Photo: CNN

Modern rules of street etiquette:

1. If you come to rob, the victims are allowed to shoot you.

2. If you try to physically fight with a policeman, he will shoot you. He must do that to keep you from having access to his weapon to do harm to innocents.

3. You have no right to the property of others simply because they have and you do not.

4. If you rob, beat or murder anyone because they are racially/ethnically different from you, you are a racist. Your skin tone is immaterial.

5. All citizens are guaranteed certain rights, none based on the rights being owed for past real or perceived injustice.

6. Putting food on the table and clothes on your back and the backs of your children are not responsibilities of the government. They are entirely your responsibility.

7. Avoiding pregnancy or bringing a child into the world – these actions also are your responsibility alone.

8. Government is not your daddy, nor your children’s daddy.

9. Police are there to protect and defend us. You have no right to attack our defenders.

10. Police are not armed to be on an equal footing with you but to have an advantage when you break the law.

11. One does not deal with perceived injustice by looting and burning businesses or private homes.

12. Courts make judgments not Al Sharpton or the Klan.

13. Those proclaiming themselves involved in an armed revolution are shot and not debated on the six o’clock news.

14. No race or political party has the market cornered on free speech. Shouting down and /or otherwise denying another the right to voice his opinion is not a constitutional right enjoyed by any special party or group.

15. Your college professor is not smarter than your mother.

16. You have no right to disobey any lawful order of a police officer.

Mark (Zippo) Smith, a retired military veteran may be contacted at theziphmself@gmail.com

See also http://legionofvalor.org/lov_citation/mark-a-smith/


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