Home OP-ED Only 48 Million Muslim Monsters Are Left

Only 48 Million Muslim Monsters Are Left

Fareed Zakaria. swiss-image.ch/Photo Monika Flueckiger

Our Bob Rosebrock’s desperately homeless military veterans may not be able to win shelter from Mayor Garcetti and his stingy toadies at City Hall.

But dearly beloved, as we sink to our bony knees in gratitude this afternoon, we will thank God that the crosseyed mentally homeless of America have found a home in the Democrat party.

Do you know one honest Democrat? One who possesses self-control?

When our ignorant president, Bizarro Obama, and our possible (heaven forbid) president-to-be, America’s oldest working prostitute, Hilarity Clinton, make grindingly stupid statements about gun control – delicately insane Muslim maniacs running free – how can any American grownup register as a Democrat?

The latest Democrat dishrag to deliberately make a national joke of himself is Fareed Zakaria of CNN, a wooden Indian racing breathlessly for the title of Most Embarrassing American Muslim Defender.

Under the headline “Condemnation of All Muslims Is Misinformed,” Fareed the Fool’s reasoning is so freighted with lies and Obama-style nuttiness that it only should be digested by fellow Islamic rads.

As a converted Democrat, F.T. F. concedes that 48 million Muslim bad guys may be trying to destroy us normal people. So what? he asks.

F.T. F. contends this is no reason to deface the reputations of the remaining 1.55 billion Muslims.

Slick, eh?

At least the cops nailed two of the 48 million a couple days ago in San Bernardino. Only 47, 999,998 left to snag.


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