Home OP-ED Obama Ducks Duty Again

Obama Ducks Duty Again

Photo: Charles Dharapak / Associated Press

That self-ordained repository who rages with rancid regalism, Buford Obama, the poor man’s narcissist, the petty, constantly preening prince of polarization, is blowing off Justice Scalia’s funeral.

Two reasons:

  • Mr. Scalia was white.
  • Mr. Scalia was a Republican.

The closest Buford’s spokesman came to coughing up an excuse was that his routinely seething boss loathes Republicans – the reason he was twice elected.

After several days of porto-potty piety, Buford has returned to low-life form, a re-emergence that reminds us of why God created shirt-tail liberals:

So normal (conservative) people would have reason to smile every day and to express gratitude to God.

Cavalierly ignoring a momentous event in daily American life is as du jour for Mr. Obama as a newborn pooping in his diaper.

The phony scold might have escaped the heaviest hand of opprobrium from normal persons had he not been so Bowe Bergdahlish in the hours and days following Mr. Scalia’s death. At press conferences and in other public settings, he has behaved like a 14-year-old on his first date, from the closely scripted stutter to the endlessly practiced facial contortions.

For perhaps the hundredth time in the seven years of America’s first Frankensteinian presidency, the classless Mr. Obama has committed an unbelievable abridgement of protocol, the latest unforgivable sucker punch into the solar plexus of red-white-blue America tradition.


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