Home OP-ED Noonan – Black or White?

Noonan – Black or White?


The latest attempt by liberals to smear America as a racist country bobbed up this morning in the typically murky left-wing waters on page 1 of USA Today:

“Blacks forced to wait longer than whites for UberX rides” belched the newspaper’s hottest headline – in Seattle and Boston, at least.

Ever vigilant for opportunities to brand the United States anti-black or anti-brown – never anti-yellow…hmmm – angry leftist professors at Stanford, U. Washington and MIT set out to prove a favorite balmy theory.

The profs used vulnerable students as their pawns in this nasty game.

In one of those tilted global-warming-style “experiments,” the bored profs soon concluded that boys and girls with black-sounding names must wait longer than students with white-sounding names for an Uber ride – by the darnedest coincidence, just what these geniuses set out to prove.

What on earth is a black-sounding name? And don’t tell me Quincy Enunwa.

Does “Noonan” sound black?

My oldest son is as black as President Obama. If he had been one of the pawned students, would he have been mistaken for black or for white? His maternal grandmother was as white as Hillary, though far more honest and kind.

This is such a reliable left-wing antic – to foggily form an amorphous thesis, then reach the hungrily desired result by vaguely wobbling down a cloudy, virtually impossible-to-track, path.

Do I hear global warming? Voter ID laws? Imagination-challenged libs are more predictable than the calendar.

How, praytell, do we know who is black or white by name? Is Russell black or white? Is Harvey black or white?  Smith? Jones? Johnson? Lipman? Kaepernick?

Those lucky profs came to the stunning conclusion that blacks had to wait an average of 5 minutes, 15 seconds for an Uber lift. Lucky stiffs born into, ahem, white privilege only had to tap their expensive footwear for 4 minutes – exactly — not 3:59, not 4:01.

By darn, as an old coach of my acquaintance used to swear.


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