Home OP-ED Mr. Ridley-Thomas’s Shiny Car

Mr. Ridley-Thomas’s Shiny Car

Mark Ridley-Thomas

In the newspaper business, you are supposed to be objective in reporting the news. This is a challenge when dealing regularly with certain politicians.

Mark Ridley-Thomas, the second-term County Supervisor for this district, is my candidate for the most engaging politico in Los Angeles County. A delightful raconteur, I have spent entertaining, informative hours in his company.

Sit down with him for minutes, and you will walk away convinced he is in unswerving command of whatever ails Angelenos.

But, sadly, Mr. Ridley-Thomas’s admirable conduct, based only on his County Supervisor years, seems to carry a series of expiration dates.

His latest perceived foul, the Daily News bannered on Sunday, is a shadowy dance between an older car (on the books) and a much glitzier newer car (not on the books).

Pesky stuff that amounts to making faces at ethical behavior. Occasionally, he seems to tiptoe to the lip of the ethical perimeter.

His newest self-inflicted problem, according to the Daily News:

“On the Los Angeles County government’s official list of take-home vehicles, Supervisor Mark Ridley-Thomas looks very frugal. His assigned car, a 9-year-old Chrysler 300 Limited sedan, cost the county about half as much as the next supervisor’s.

“But newly released vehicle maintenance records show that Ridley-Thomas, for most of last year, actually had two cars at his disposal. He mainly drove a 2012 version of the same model, a $39,000 taxpayer-owned car that essentially was off the books.”

The old car put-putted less than 300 miles last year, the newer more than 9,000. The old car was washed five times during the 300 miles. The newer car was washed 2.9 times a week. I mean, dust collects. In gobs downtown, evidently.

Of the mileage disparity, Mr. Ridley-Thomas said he only drove the 2012 when the 2006 was “inoperable.”

At 126,000 miles, a gentleman paid by the County to cloud public issues, told the Daily News the 9-year-old car was “nearing the end of its useful life.”

Further, said the newspaper, Mr. Ridley-Thomas “misrepresented his situation when challenged.”

When the Daily News asked Mr. Ridley-Thomas if he drove a newer car last year, the Supe said it was hard to remember the last year.

Typical, a cynic would say.

How long can a guy be a Boy Scout?

Periodically, Mr. Ridley-Thomas has dipped his big toe into inadvisedly steaming water. He has ended up standing ear-high in unfriendly liquid.

Just cannot avoid flirting with naughty territory.

In reporting his latest perceived misstep, the Daily News said:

“In public office for nearly a quarter-century, Ridley-Thomas has drawn criticism in recent years for his use of taxpayer funds.”

  •  Twenty minutes after Mr. Ridley-Thomas was elected, in a scarce money era, he ignited a public brushfire when he sought to blow $700,000 on…renovating his office.
  •  Another time, County workers rehabbed his garage at home. Taxpayers were docked for a portion.

Why do incidents like this happen to Mr. Ridley-Thomas?


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