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Letters from My Mother-in-Law

Robert Ebsen
Robert Ebsen

I just completed the paperless project that I began two weeks ago when I purchased a Fujitsu Scansnap scanner.

I finished scanning in over one thousand letters written by my mother-in-law to my wife during the 16 years they were separated from each other. They were separated by continents. So it was difficult for them to see each other.

While I was scanning in letters today, I made some realizations.

The care with which I scanned in my mother-in-law’s letters was related to my understanding of how much she cared about my wife, and how much she wanted her daughter to be my wife.

Each time I carefully loaded her letters into the scanner, or placed fragile letters written on thin paper into the plastic carrier sheet, I thought about how I was treating her with respect.

By preserving each word she wrote, I was honoring her love and wisdom. When, occasionally, parts of letters were torn or missing, I felt sad that some of my mother-in-law’s love was not being communicated.

Throughout the 16 years my wife was away from her mother, the love that flowed between them was via telephone calls, infrequent visits, and these letters.

I was the one who took my wife away from her mother. As I held these precious letters, I felt compassion for my wife and her mother.

I realized how they must have missed each other.

My mother is alive and well, and lives near me. I scanned in close to one thousand of her letters.

Mom and I were separated for some years. But we were in the same country. We could visit each other often.

How much more difficult it must have been for my wife and her mother. I am so happy that our first granddaughter was given my mother-in-law’s name. I can see my mother-in-law smiling as she “sees” her great-granddaughter interacting with my wife and me.

Who knows if anyone will read these letters? Whether I put the letters in a book, or just keep them in a hard drive, my hope is that someone, perhaps a great-grandchild of ours, will look at these letters and reflect on this special relationship.

By preserving these treasured letters, I feel as if I am keeping a part of the relationship between my wife and her mother alive. It feels good.

Mr. Ebsen may be contacted at robertebsen51@gmail.com


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