Home OP-ED Let’s Pay Everybody the Same

Let’s Pay Everybody the Same

RIght - State Sen. Hannah-Beth Jackson (D-Santa Barbara), author of equal pay bill. Photo: Rich Pedroncelli / AP Photo

Considering sex, the male psyche and winning the Lotto, is there even a remotely greater thrill in life than hearing a radio announcer declare that the California Legislature has passed our 141st equal pay law?

I broke out in instant hives when a red-faced copy boy stopped at my door long enough to holler, “Gov. Brown is going to sign SB 358.”

The only surpassing moment I remember during my several decades of life was when Pop brought home an unusual dog. Pop’s pup had been bred to never require food – so a poor family could afford to house him.

I also am reminded of a pledge Mom and two classmates made when they graduated. Tired of dating runts, they agreed all would birth 6-foot males. Mom won. Sadly, both of her pals delivered dwarves.

Equal Pay Law No. 141 goes further than federal law.  It stipulates that women be paid the same salaries as men for doing substantially similar work, as distinct from the first 140. They certified that women, other than butches, be made the same salaries as men for doing substantially similar work.

Upon reflection, women who leave their jobs to have children or aren’t as aggressive as men in pursuing their careers or are happy turning hamburgers upside down, should be drawing CEO-level pay to prove to Democrats that America is not a sexist society.

If President Obama can spend 500 million taxpayer dollars to train four Syrian rebels to battle Assad – as a military guy testified to Congress last week – what is a few dollars between employees and employers.

Hooray for the girls’ side.

Read the concluding paragraph with a straight (as opposed to gay) face:

In the last three years, in our state of almost 30 million Democrats and 9 million normal people, California’s labor commissioner has received the following number of complaints of unequal pay for girls in three recent years: 8 in 2012, 7 in 2011, 6 in 2010.

You bet we need equal pay.


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