Home OP-ED Learning to Act Right in Life

Learning to Act Right in Life

He is a son of the Middle West. Graphic: shoemoney.com

A young man in his early twenties contacted me the other day to help him resolve anxiety at auditions. It had started recently, and he really wanted to get rid of it because it was affecting his auditions, a his potential for work.

Originally from Nebraska, he and three friends came to Los Angeles for a vacation just after college. They all responded to an open-call audition advertisement for a soap opera. It would be fun, something to remember.

To everyone’s amazement, the young man who came to see me won the role. He has been appearing on this soap opera ever since. His friends returned to Nebraska. This was not the cause of his anxiety.

The soap opera was his main source of income – his earnings were paying for his apartment, car and all the associated expenses of living in a big city.

He wanted to do more acting. He attended more auditions. This is where his problems began. Every time he would sit in the waiting room, he grew nervous, anxious. His nerves dominated, and he soon was not gaining any extra work. This compounded his concerns.

I gave him a high protein diet to ensure that he stabilized his blood sugar levels. Protein helps when eaten in small quantities every two hours. If he were to experience low blood sugar levels, he would get nervous and angry and make poor emotionally based decisions. When his blood sugar levels were constant, he was logical. Within 72 hours, his anxiety was already 60 percent better.

Hypnosis helped with the other part of the problem. You see, he gained his first acting role on a lark. He did not pay much attention to his success. As the role continued and as he realized that acting was now supporting him, he fretted it was his only income.

This was the heart of his problem. Once he realized that he was taking the auditions too seriously, he fared better. As he continued to follow the diet and to experience positive hypnosis, he relaxed at auditions, and found more work.

Bottom line: He needed to improve his nutrition and to have more confidence in his own abilities. Hypnosis helped him with visualizations to help him to see what he wanted to be and strengthened his ability to create a plan of work.

Do not hesitate to contact me by telephone, 310.204.3321, or by email at nickpollak@hypnotherapy4you.net. See my website at www.hypnotherapy4you.net


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