Home OP-ED In Memory of Our Jake

In Memory of Our Jake

Mike Hennessey
Mike Hennessey

Dateline Dayton – Returning from our Canadian cruise last week, we went to a kennel to pick up Jake, our favorite pet for the last 17 years. This was a new experience since our regular dog kennel was closed for vacation.

When we arrived for Jake, he was still getting his bath. We had to wait for him to dry.

The owner and her assistant told us about Jake’s stay. He had been allowed in the office and the staff took him for walks during the 10 days we were away.

Jake was not eating well, and we have been having that problem with for some time.

When Jake was brought out, he was not his bubbly self. Looking thin, he did not seem to want to leave.

When I got him outside, he was not interested in exploring the territory. I even had to lift him into the car. Although concerned, I was not alarmed. Jake always was moody when he left the kennel.

Once home, he walked to the back door. I brought food to him, but he turned away.

Still I was not overly worried.

When I left for work at noon, Jake was lying on the floor. At 5 o’clock, Pauline called with the bad news — Jake had died.

Jake was a great dog. Never thought I would say that about a dog. I was not always a dog lover.

While our children were growing up, when the subject of a dog came up, I said that if the neighbors had a dog, that was close enough. We did not need one.

Our first dog, Hiccup, came about due to a girlfriend of our son Chris. I’m not sure what the real story was, but when Chis went to live on campus and then out on his own, Hiccup became our dog. I tolerated Hiccup. Oh, I did take care of him. But he never was my dog.

We went without a dog for a few years. In February 2000, the Humane Society was going to have some abandoned pups up for adoption. I have written about our day at the market when we came to get Jake, a name given to him by Humane Society. We could have change it but we didn’t.

Jake was a good puppy and a great dog, as I mentioned above. I only remember him chewing up one thing – a remote control for the television. Sure, he had his share of accidents, especially in his latter years.
He always looked forward to a walk. Even as he grew older and would sleep most of the day, he was raring to go when I came with his leash. Everyone in our condo project liked Jake, even the other dogs.

Last Saturday, we got Jake’s ashes from the funeral home and took them to the cemetery. We were going to sprinkle them on our gravesites. Upon arrival, we found that the cemetery had dug the footer for our headstone, so I buried Jake’s ashes in that opening. His resting place will be under our tombstone.

If all dogs go to heaven, which they must, Jake will definitely be out in front.

Thanks, Jake, for almost 17 years together.


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Mr. Hennessey may be contacted at pmhenn@sbcglobal.net


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