Home OP-ED In Defense of All Muslims

In Defense of All Muslims

First responders aid the injured in San Bernardino

A lady reader who lately has become a prolific letter-writer on the subject of Muslim bias, predictably, like her fellow liberals, lacks a sense of humor and appreciation for nuance.

Liberals intrigue me. How can so many people be so furiously mad for so much of their otherwise unexplored (often single) lives?

The badder the actor they are defending, the more amorphous the cause they advocate, the more stridently liberals – and their well-rested minds — behave. Anyone who disagrees with a liberal is branded a hater and a racist.

The cinch of the century was that when the Muslim world radicalized and Islamic terrorists became as common as dirt, American liberals would race to their defense.

When the latest band of Islamic killers waltzed into San Bernardino a month ago, liberals, again predictably, arose en masse. A Muslim couple obliterated 14, wounded 21, and here came their liberal defenders.

Meanwhile, the Imam of Immoderation and Immodesty, the president of the United States, blithely sunned himself on Hawaiian beaches, blind to the gathering Muslim-caused tragedies. Normal Americans grieved. On schedule, liberals belittled them as bigots for fearing Muslim killers roaming the globe.

A fresh wave of “We Are All Sinless Muslims” propaganda washed over America’s media 98 percent liberal media in the wake of the newest Muslim massacre.

When we suggested, hours later and at least half seriously, that non-Muslims visiting mosques for kumbaya purposes pack a sidearm, The Lady Reader stood to protest with vehemence.

Bands of evil Muslims are roaming the world chopping unbelievers and believers into prehistoric pieces while The Lady and her liberal friends complain about bias against Muslims and other obsessions that congenitally irritate inherently furious liberals.

The complicity of a section of the Muslim community is obvious to normal Americans.

Liberals boo normal Americans. They charge prejudice. They complain about “Trump” because single-syllable words are easier to cry out against.

At a glance, The Lady appeared to be acting in the traditional American spirit of resistance. The glance seems to have been  misleading. Liberal anger bubbles up because the sun has risen. Because the sun is down. Because it is cold. Because it is warm…oh, don’t get me started on global climate warming change…


  1. “Imagine the good that could happen–and the evil that could be prevented from happening–if more Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Christians, Buddhists, and others cross the roads and other barriers that have separated them, and discover one another as friends.” – Brian D. McLaren in WHY DID JESUS, MOSES,the BUDDHA, and MOHAMMED CROSS the ROAD?


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