Home OP-ED I Can’t Wait Any Longer

I Can’t Wait Any Longer

Nicholas Pollak
Nicholas Pollak

Once again I find myself waiting for a client to show for a confirmed appointment. Twenty-five minutes into the session, no contact.

As a therapist, I am not supposed to let things like this affect me. Hard to do. Why make an appointment and not keep it? At least contact me.

Courtesy can make everyone’s life so much more pleasant. I noticed over Christmas that as the time for goodwill and understanding came closer, people were more frustrated, less patient. Fighting over toys in stores?

Most people have wonderful attributes. But when in a group, the mob mentality takes over.

As a hypnotherapist, I cannot change human nature. Look at mankind through the ages. Nothing changes. Technology, styles of dress, buildings, transportation. They have changed, but we have not. We are as aggressive as we always were. We continue to fight and to kill as we have always done. We never have figured out violence and aggression are not the answer. Discussion, communication, understanding strongly help.

As a hypnotherapist, there is a lot I can do to help a person who wants to change.

When I recently contacted a new web company, they asked for my mission statement to viewers of my website. Let’s change the behaviors we get to the behaviors we want, I said. Let’s recognize behaviors that are holding us back.

If you are smoker, do you find yourself wanting to quit but not knowing how? If you have a weight problem, how many times have you tried to lose weight without success? When are you going to rid yourself of your speech anxiety?

Once we learn a habit, it is learned and hard to undo. Remember that of the brain power we use, only 10 percent is conscious, 90 percent subconscious. Although the conscious may want to change, it cannot change the 90 percent quickly. Change takes time and repetition.

All that is required is a firm recognition that you do not like a behavior. Next, see yourself as if you already have achieved the change. (Some may call this, “Fake it ‘til you make it.”)

Amazingly, the subconscious catches on. It begins to give you the thoughts and behaviors you want.

For this to work, be firm in your mind about what you want. Hypnosis can help make changes more rapidly. The subconscious will present you with the new behaviors as long as you acknowledge the changes are desired.

Regular therapy, I have read, may take up to 600 sessions to create a change. Hypnotherapy may take only 6 to 10 sessions. Why? A traditional therapist talks conscious mind to conscious mind. A hypnotherapist talks from his conscious to the client’s subconscious.

Look for a way to change that will be rapid and longlasting. Hypnotherapy can help you more than you know.

Do not hesitate to contact me by telephone, 310.204.3321, or by email at nickpollak@hypnotherapy4you.net. See my website at www.hypnotherapy4you.net


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