Home OP-ED I Am a Victim, and It Feels Soooo Soothing

I Am a Victim, and It Feels Soooo Soothing

Los Angeles Times columnist Sandy Banks. Photo: LA Times

Race-bragging Sandy Banks(rupt), the Los Angeles Times’s intentionally emotionally wounded essayist whose calling card is How I Became a Victim and Learned to Love It and race hustler Rachel (They Haven’t Hospitalized Me Yet) Dolezal have so much in common, they should move in together.

Maybe they have, and we don’t know it. “No Visitors Ever Allowed” is the sign on their door.

  • Both girls yearn to be someone they are not.
  • Both girls are liberal racists, experts specializing in the indecipherable language of Gobbledygook so they can worm out of accountability.
  • Both girls regard their race and the race of all other earthlings as even more important than oxygen.

Happily, Rachel the Lying Goofball, the most annoying racist fraudster this side of Al Sharpton, has lost her job at desperate Eastern Washington University and her presidency with the Spokane NAACP.

Since they are genetically unembarrassable, drooling liberal racists have spent the last week embracing the sleaziest left-wing whack job since Hillary climbed back into a tree with her campaign.

Sandy Banks(rupt), who has spent her career at the Times polishing her own bona fides as an imaginary victim, spoke in this morning’s fairy-tale essay like a genuine liberal, that is, without a moral floor:

“I am not offended by Dolezal’s desire to stake a claim to black identity.”

Of course she wouldn’t. Crime? What crime? Lies? What lies? She commends her “sister” for growing up in a “racially observant” household, phrasing only another race-baiter racist could utter.

“But I am insulted that so many people find it so hard to believe that a white person would want to be black…She’s elevating her status from ordinary blond white woman to stunning light-skinned sister with blue eyes and good hair.”

Self-induced victims, like Ms. Banks(rupt), entertain themselves by committing social suicide, by treating their imagination as if it were a pull-toy.

  • Could Sandy secretly be Rachel’s hairdresser?


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