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Hypnosis Clients Travel Lightly

Nicholas Pollak
Nicholas Pollak

If you have never tried hypnotherapy, you may want to put a session on your bucket list.

Imagine your body being more relaxed than you ever have experienced and your mind at 100 percent alert.

Almost every client leaves feeling better than when he/she arrived.

On rare occasions clients say they left feeling dizzy. Nothing uncomfortable. Uniformly, they tell me such feelings quickly pass.

Hypnosis can help almost anybody.

All you need bring to an appointment are an open mind and willingness to be hypnotized.

I admire any client who comes to see me.

Imagine sitting in a stranger’s office, you have known the person a mere 30 minutes, and you are advised to close your eyes, relax.

Nothing to Fear

Most of us would be reticent.

Fortunately, my reviews have put many clients at ease. They allow themselves to work with me to gain the changes they have been looking for.

Hypnosis creates rapid change for anyone with any type of issue.

We are all prisoners of our mental training. By the time we are 13 years old, our behaviors and personality are set. Around age 8, we began to hear a little voice inside our head. By 13, we have programmed our subconscious.

Whether you like it or not, your behaviors were set based on the environment in which you were raised, your parents, and the decisions they made on your behalf. After that, you programmed yourself.

You may not realize that. You may find yourself doing things later in life that you had programmed years earlier and now have significant difficulty changing.

Our subconscious is like a computer hard drive that stores any information downloaded to it. It makes no distinction between good and bad. When a keyboard is used, it gives the information requested.

This is what is happening within your subconscious. You have taught it to give you certain reactions to certain thoughts or outside stimulus.

If someone extends his hand to you, the natural reaction is to shake it.

But what if the person draws back his hand? No doubt you would feel a little uncomfortable.

The subconscious gives you what you have taught it. If you want to change, hypnosis is the perfect tool.

As with a computer program, when you have an update you download it to the program in the hard drive. Next time you open the program, you see that the program has changed in some respects. It looks different as a result of the download upgrade.

Hypnosis does the same. We present a new image of the behavior you want to replace the behavior you get. In a few weeks, you are letting go of the behaviors you get and responding with new behaviors.

Every day I help clients achieve my mission statement. I want to help each client change the behaviors they get to the behaviors they want.

Do not hesitate to contact me by telephone, 310.204.3321, or by email at nickpollak@hypnotherapy4you.net. See my website at www.hypnotherapy4you.net


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