Home OP-ED Here Is a Boy with Pull

Here Is a Boy with Pull


The father of a 16-year-old boy asked me if hypnotherapy could stop obsessive pulling. His son had started pulling his hair out. He stopped with the head hair and moved to his eyebrows. Next, his eyelids. Now he is picking his gums and cuticles.

So severe is this that it affects how and what he eats. No longer does he touch apples or orange juice. Acidic food burns his gums. Meals must be lukewarm. Food needs to be put in a blender.

Diagnosed as bi-polar, autistic and ADHD, he is taking a wall of medications. His father has had enough, He says his son is not improving. Doctors are medicating him to a point where he has little or no character. He is an automaton.

In spite of all of this, the boy still picks his badly scarred gums. His father, working diligently, has begun to reduce medications. Lately the boy has become more alive. What about hypnotherapy?.

Although this young man appears to have a variety of different issues I told the father hypnosis would benefit his son providing that he was willing to be hypnotized and that he would not demonstrate what is known as a “psychotic swing.”

That is when entering hypnosis the client’s upper body and head begin to move in a circular direction. Should this happen to any client, stop the hypnosis. Bring the client brought back to full wakefulness immediately.

Any person who demonstrates this psychotic swing is not a candidate for hypnosis. He could be damaged by hypnosis. In my 24 years, only one client demonstrated a psychotic swing, my first client, when I was being supervised at the facility where I learned hypnotism.

My new client presented well. He acknowledged his problem, and he wanted to stop. I asked him how school was — challenging or boring. Work was challenging and interesting. He was not bored. He had a good social life. His grade average was a B-plus.

First, we agreed on which cuticle he would chew. He picks a finger and can only pick at that finger. This brings a measure of control. He would begin to recognize that by only picking one cuticle, he has the power to make the changes he wants.

Happily he was successful with this request. At his second session, the other fingers were clear. Only the nominated finger had been picked. He had lessened his gum-picking to the point his gums were beginning to heal.

We changed his diet from high carbs every four to five hours to low carbs. We increased protein every two hours. This helped rid him of his anxiety and stabilized his moods.

This young man shortly changed to a non-picking, non-drugged out boy who makes friends and has success in the classroom.

When I was being trained as a hypnotist, I was told clients come to see us out of desperation when nothing has helped. This teen is an excellent illustration.

Do not hesitate to contact me by telephone, 310.204.3321, or by email at nickpollak@hypnotherapy4you.net. See my website at www.hypnotherapy4you.net


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