Home OP-ED Frack, Frack, Frack That Cigarette

Frack, Frack, Frack That Cigarette

Image: Martin Cranshow / https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s8WOHN3IqM8

If the Los Angeles Times were a child, it would have been spanked and sent to bed long ago with a wet diaper tied around its unattractive head on charges of impenetrable mental density.

Why does the Times’s reading audience remind you of Mr. Trump’s bullseye evaluation of criminal Mexican illegal aliens?

For at least the 50th time in the last several years, the wobbling Times led its op-ed section this morning with a threadbare rant of frustration over its failure to uncover any perilous elements in the smart, profitable drilling method known as fracking.

The weepy-eyed editorial turned up its unwashed palms and pleaded with its low-wattage readership to “please, please find proof that fracking is dangerous. We can’t.”

The Times’s radical leftist editorial staff keeps writing the same story – why can’t we find proof that fracking is a threat to poor people-minorities-illegal aliens-young people and progressive communities just because the darned practice is safe.

It feels so threatening. Ergo it is harmful.

The dimly-lit editorial opens on a bummer note, choking and coughing in the opening sentence, obliquely admitting it has been defeated on its fracking theories. But only so far.

Writing for the cellar dwellers who form the majority of the Democrat party, the editorial (“What We Don’t Know About Fracking Could Hurt Us”) opens with customary Times’ sourness:

“A year and a half in the making, a new scientific report on hydraulic fracturing in the state offers Californians the less-than-satisfying revelation that scientists are still in the dark about fracking.”

Call it the B.H. Obama theory of life – grope, accuse and then declare as infallibly true.

Maybe someone eventually will agree with the hoary Times that fracking is scary, three plus three are seven, two plus one are 933, and both the moon and the Obama theories of police brutality are rife with stale green cheese.


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