Home OP-ED Food for Life’ Could Be Our Motto

Food for Life’ Could Be Our Motto

Mike Hennessey
Mike Hennessey

Dateline Dayton – For the Hennessey clan, we celebrated Christmas two days early, last Friday. Everyone made it, with the exception of our three grandchildren from Michigan, who had to work.

Although I was not felling great — I was coming down with the CUC cold – everything went very well. Everyone had a good time.  Each family brought food to share, and I provided the meat.

Then it was time for the white elephant exchange, always a lot of fun.  Although this year was not as heated as in the past, there still were lively exchanges. Nearly everyone ended up with something he or she wanted.

I got a small flexible flashlight.  This was followed by our gifts being distributed and the gifts our children gave us.  We will be able to eat well for some time.

Saturday I wasn’t feel well, but I did manage to run a few errands, buy Pauline a digital watch and stop for a badly needed haircut.

I then took a nap since we had decided to attend church at 10 p.m.  Church wasn’t nearly as crowded as it has been in the past.  Wonder what is happening?

The same appears to be true at our regular Sunday Masses?

Sunday was our youngest son Jon’s birthday. He came over with his girls, and Darlene and Mike joined us for lunch, followed by cake and ice cream.

After they left, Darlene and Mike stayed for a while.  I did doze off while they were there, and I took a real nap after they left.  Since I was starting to cough, I spent the night sleeping in a chair. Along with a little medicine, I was cured.

Darlene, Chris and Pauline went to a movie early on Monday afternoon. I treated myself to a cheese-steak sandwich.  I did stop by our daughter’s new condo and do a few things prior to returning home for a nap.

Tuesday was party day at work.  Just what I needed, more food, a combination of carry-in and barbecue. Plenty of food. We have been eating it the rest of the week was our plan.

Setback for Our Community

Dayton suffered another great loss last week. The Aviation Hall of Fame decided to hold its induction ceremony in Texas next year.  This event was organized by local individuals and has always been held in Dayton.  I’m sure the late Jim Jacobs, one of the organizers and the driving force, is rolling over in his grave.

A huge setback for Dayton. Possibly someday our elected officials will wake up and see the handwriting on the wall – they are not doing their jobs. Jim Jacobs is in good company with John Patterson, the founder of National Cash Register who also has flipped over in his grave because his company moved to Georgia.

My Wish

I hope everyone, including every child, has a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year.  The killing has got to stop.

Mr. Hennessey may be contacted at pmhenn@sbcglobal.net


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