Home OP-ED Don’t Talk Shopping on Thanksgiving

Don’t Talk Shopping on Thanksgiving

Steve Rose

Yesterday was Veterans Day, the remembrance of the armistice ending World War I.

Most people now alive barely recall when Veterans Day was changed from Armistice Day to honor those who gave us the freedoms we enjoy.

It is important to remember our history, to learn from our victories, to our mistakes so we can grow as a nation.

Two weeks from today, we will be celebrating Thanksgiving. The fourth Thursday in November was designated by an act from President Franklin D. Roosevelt.

Thanksgiving marks the harvest that our nation enjoys every year and acknowledges the involvement of native peoples in our lives as Americans.

We also give thanks for being Americans with the freedoms that we have as Americans.

Over the past two decades, we have lost some of that feeling because big box retailers are making Thanksgiving Day the kickoff of the Christmas shopping season.

I will be with family, enjoying their company and good food in moderation.

Personally, I will be waiting until Small Business Saturday, two days after Thanksgiving, to do my shopping. I like spending my holidays with family and friends.

Shopping Small Business, you will always find a friend helping you with a purchase or their shopping along side of you.

Do you disagree?

Talk back at ssssteve@culvercitychamber.com

Mr. Rose, ACE, is president/CEO of the Culver City Chamber of Commerce.  


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