Home OP-ED Diaper Duty for Comical Collegiates

Diaper Duty for Comical Collegiates

Fake rioting can be fun for you, too. Image: Fox News Insider

Quick, Murgatroyd, run for the barn. Barack says the climate may change.

The comically copycat left-wing racist boys and girls frolicking across college campuses this month, thinking up stories as they run, are suffering significant diaper rash.

This is why they feel at one with President Obama. Same problem.

He seriously believes that climate change is the main threat to America while radical Islamists down the block are chopping off heads. You go, Barack.

Yesterday The Genius said:

“Next week, I will be joining President Hollande and world leaders in Paris for the global climate conference. What a powerful rebuke to the terrorists it will be when the world stands as one and shows that we will not be deterred from building a better future for our children.” – Patterico.com

Now there is a man with a future in show biz, at least in a small Middle Eastern town where his Islamist pals will appreciate him.

The college children are not to blame for their carefully scripted tantrums this month.

Directed to rebel, they were put up to this cartoonish behavior by their left-wing teachers and parents.

This is a play, not real life.

These faux racist offenses have been planned by our liberal betters from the silliness 16 months ago in fraudulent Ferguson to the nonsense in the Carolinas last June when widely unemployed liberals raged against Confederate flags to the late-starting black and white thugs at Princeton protesting against Woodrow Wilson.

Boys and girls, next time buy disposable diapers. They don’t cause as many tushy rashes.


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