There is a special, beloved place in the pull-out freezer drawer of our refrigerator for my frozen fruit.
Each morning I open that drawer with anticipation and excitement. Will it be a handful of cherries? Two hands full of blueberries? A few large strawberries? Will I add them to my instant oatmeal? To my smoothie? Or both?
On my trip to Costco’s freezer last week, I was delighted to see that frozen cherries had returned. I bought one bag of cherries and vowed to buy five or six bags on my next trip.
Like the nut-hoarding squirrel, I will stash the cherries in the freezer section of my garage refrigerator. That way, come the six months when Costco cherries are unavailable, I will be set. I won’t have to buy small $3.50 bags of frozen cherries from Target.
On each Costco frozen-berry-adventure, I look for a new concoction. Last week I discovered and purchased a bag combining peaches, strawberries, pineapples and mangos. I must like the new bag. because I Vitamixed those fruits with a banana, an apple and almond milk for the past few days.
When I was a kid, there was dessert with every meal. Chocolate pudding, Jell-O, cookies, and cupcakes come to mind. For almost 60 years, there were no regular desserts. Now, with my recent Costco frozen fruit revolution, I have a delicious, healthy dessert or snack whenever I want.
Better than ice cream, here is how I make it:
I fill a small bowl with either a variety of frozen fruit or a single frozen fruit, my favorite being cherries.
After adding water, the bowl is microwaved for two minutes. I drain the water and add two overflowing tablespoons of Chobani Vanilla yogurt. Yum.
Another cute trick I recently discovered is nibbling on the frozen fruit while watching TV.
Call me fruity, but call me healthy. Next, I will have to discover frozen veggie treats.
Mr. Ebsen may be contacted at