Home OP-ED Bully for You – Know How to Defend Yourself

Bully for You – Know How to Defend Yourself


My daughter asked me to write a few lines on bullying for an event she was arranging.

I would post the article to her Facebook Events page where people would go to find out what others have to say on the topic.

I was reminded of a 12-year-old girl who came to see me. She was very large and was constantly being harassed and bullied because of her weight. She was a Pacific Islander, and everyone was large on her home island.

Self-esteem and confidence took big hits. She grew depressed, non-communicative, suicidal. She began arguing at home. Her parents were baffled by what had struck their daughter. After failed attempts at psychiatric help, she  came to see me.

After promising she would stop consuming an extraordinary amount of sugar, her comfort food, and would take in plenty of protein, she became less depressed. Her moods stabilized.

She still was being bullied at school but her attitude toward it was improving. Her school colleagues took note. She no longer was intimidated. Her new confidence came from two areas, hypnotherapy and the martial arts.

In martial arts classes she mastered defending herself and learned not to instigate a fight. If a fight were her only option, she knew enough to flatten anyone.

When I was a 14-year-old in England. I had taken a few self-defense classes. Never had used my knowledge. After school, the class bully who had been picking on me for quite some time, started taunting me.

Much to his surprise (and mine), I reacted automatically as I had been taught. When he attacked me, I kneed him on his outer thigh. I connected at just the right point, a sensitive nerve point. Down he went, like a sack of potatoes.

That was the last time he bullied me — or anyone else. We ended up good friends.

Here is what I wrote for my daughter’s event:

Bullying is not the best means of making friends. His only influence is the intimidation factor.

The best way to deal with being bullied is self-defense classes, and to utilize hypnotherapy. This will make you more confident, improve your self- esteem and motivate you to prevent further bullying.

Schools are taking bullying  seriously. They are teaching that bullying is not the road to success.

It is the bully who has issues. He constantly is in need of attention, and usually is a coward. When he does not receive sufficient attention, he gains it at the expense of someone else.

Stand up for yourself. Take self- defense classes to gain confidence so you can take on the bully if you have to. Also, always report bullying to the appropriate authorities.

Do not hesitate to contact me by telephone, 310.204.3321, or by email at nickpollak@hypnotherapy4you.net. See my website at www.hypnotherapy4you.net


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