Home OP-ED Building A New Relationship Without Guilt

Building A New Relationship Without Guilt

Nicholas Pollak
Nicholas Pollak

I received a call from a new client having trouble within his new relationship..

He had been married 25 years when his wife died two years ago. After grieving, he recently met someone he really likes.

He wants to physically show her that he cares. There are issues.

Friends said hypnosis may help.

I reassured him hypnosis never would make him do anything he did not want to do.

He would be totally aware of everything. You never could be hypnotized or forced to do anything against your will.

I dispelled erroneous conceptions about hypnosis and hypnotherapy.

Regarding constant awareness, in 1876 an experiment was conducted with two people. One was asked to go to sleep and the other was hypnotized. He appeared to be as deeply asleep as the sleeping person.

One chapter of a book was read to both. After a short time, they were awakened. Results were amazing. The sleeping person was not aware of anyone having read.  The hypnotized person quoted the reading virtually word for word. Scientists realized that although someone appears to be soundly asleep when under hypnosis, he/she is more alert than in a waking state.

The Cure

A solution was simple for my client. He was put on a low carbohydrate, high protein diet, directed to eat small amounts of protein every two hours. This ensures stable sugar levels.

When sugar levels fluctuate wildly. a person can go from cool and focused to angry, and highly emotional. He is not operating from his higher self. The diet is to guarantee he is not anxious because of low blood sugar. Once we understand that blood sugar is not the issue we can tackle the problem from a different place.

After a week, my client’s blood sugar levels were more stable. He felt better.

What was left was his perceived guilt at betraying his deceased wife because he had feelings for another woman.

When married if he were to look at other women he would of course do nothing. He is dealing with the guilt of having feelings toward another woman.

I have written many times that of the brain power we have available, we only use 5 percent. Of that 5 percent, only 10 percent is the conscious mind, 90 the subconscious. His reactions to the new woman came from the reactions that he had taught his subconscious over the 25 years he was married.

Hypnosis helped him to retain the love for his late wife but opened his subconscious to release his guilt and to accept that it was okay for him to date and to have sex with other women.

Once his subconscious understood the new behaviors, guilt vanished. Life with his new girlfriend dramatically improved.

Do not hesitate to contact me by telephone, 310.204.3321, or by email at nickpollak@hypnotherapy4you.net. See my website at www.hypnotherapy4you.net


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