Home OP-ED Brown the Next VA Villain

Brown the Next VA Villain

Ms. Brown. Photo: Ventura County Star

[Sept. 27, 2016 – Letter to Ann Brown, Executive Director, Los Angeles VA Healthcare System]

Good morning, Ms. Brown,

Two days ago you ordered five armed federal VA government police officers in five separate federal VA government vehicles to take part in the illegal removal and seizure of one American flag.

Ms. Brown, you must think that illegally ordering puppet VA police around to vandalize, desecrate and illegally seize our American flags makes you tough.

To the contrary, you are the weakest individual on American soil as you illegally misappropriate American taxpayer dollars to illegally order federal law enforcement officers to carry out your personal vendetta of prejudice and retaliation against the Old Veterans Guard by illegally removing, vandalizing, desecrating and seizing our American flags.

Ms. Brown, you are a bully, a coward and a traitor.

As a non-Veteran, you are not only heartless, but clueless to the far-reaching needs of our U.S. military Veterans, while your anti-Veteran and anti-Americanism is carried out criminally and in full violation of your oath of office.

You have violated virtually every Constitutional right we have as private citizens, including our First Amendment right to effectively petition our government for redress of grievances, which is the right to either make a complaint or seek the assistance of one’s governmental public and civil servants without fear of prejudice or retaliation.

It Is on Ms. Brown

In full defiance of our longstanding opposition to the VA’s malfeasance, mismanagement, misappropriation of Veterans property and the abusive mistreatment of disabled and homeless Veterans, you are prejudiced and retaliatory with your Chicago mob-boss mentality of gangsterism and thuggish police misconduct.

Ms. Brown, clearly you do not understand the meaning of “civil” and “servant.”

Nonetheless, as an entrusted federal civil servant of We the People on behalf of our U.S. military Veterans, you have failed shamefully. You are a self-serving, self-righteous government bureaucrat. You take orders yourself to solely serve the selfish wants of the elitist Westside mucky-muck, instead of serving the necessary needs of our disabled and destitute homeless Veterans.

Equally despicable, you are a traitor to the republic of the United States of America. You cowardly order and bully around your puppet policemen to illegally carry out your illegal, immoral and unpatriotic mission on behalf of your own puppeteers, the wealthy and powerful non-Veteran entities that illegally occupy federal VA property that forces thousands upon thousands of war-injured and impoverished Veterans to live homeless and hungry.

Because the Old Veterans Guard was instrumental in exposing at least nine federal VA real estate deals that are “unauthorized by law and therefore void,” the organized crime machine of the Los Angeles VA and the Westside Establishment have aided and abetted in the biggest land-fraud scandal in American history while committing some of the most atrocious crimes against humanity – against injured and impoverished homeless Veterans. You and your criminal cabal have illegally used the American flag as your own symbol of prejudice and retaliation for our continued opposition to all of the immoral occupants on federal VA property.

Here Is Proof

Under Section 8. j) of the U.S. Flag Code, “The flag represents a living country and is itself considered a living thing.”

Through your direct and illegal orders, entrusted federal VA law enforcement officers – under oath to protect and defend the U.S. Constitution –– no longer climb up and respectfully remove the American flag and then patriotically fold it. They rip down our nation’s colors, illegally removing, vandalizing and desecrating it with disgusting disrespect and then wadding it up like dirty laundry. This act symbolizes your own disgusting disrespect for the flag and those who have pledged their lives to defend Old Glory for more than 2½ centuries.

Ms. Brown, this is another warning notice that you and your staff are in serious violation of 18 U.S.C. §242 and 18 U.S.C. §245, et al.

Furthermore, Ms. Brown, this is not only another warning, but a respectful invitation for you to do your own unpatriotic dirty work and personally come out next Sunday and illegally remove and seize our American flags.

Of course you wouldn’t do this because you are a bully, using American taxpayer dollars and subservient VA police officers to carry out your illegal orders and personal vendetta of prejudice and retaliation against the Old Veterans Guard, and to besmirch the American flag and belittle the men and women who pledge their lives to defend It.

God Bless America and the Veterans Revolution!

Mr. Rosebrock, Director, Old Veterans Guard, may be contacted at rrosebrock1@aol.com


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