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Hydraulic fracturing drilling
Hydraulic fracturing drilling

As surely as God made apples that are diminutive and other than red, at tonight’s meeting of the Culver City Democratic Club, Dr. Tom Williams will deliver a dire warning of the inherent perils of fracking.

This line plays as hot as Billy Graham in his prime in our corner of the world.

Dr. Williams is good.

The 7 o’clock crowd in the Rotunda Room at the Vets Auditorium should be practicing its ooohs and yeah, baby, yeahs.

You would swear you would take your children and run for a distant underground enclave after he sermonizes.

Fortunately, the left-wing politically correct police are under strict orders hide all lie-detector tests when preachers such as Dr. Williams spread the

Gospel of Balderdash about fracking and the favorite scam of left-wing loons all over earth, climate change.

In honor of the I-will-scare-you fracking presentation baloney sandwiches will be served tonight.

Bored liberals have been trying to sell both strains of political applesauce for years.

They have fooled the gullible, and like ministers of another day, fracking and climate change quick-change artists they cry, almost believably, “
the end is near.”

Two days ago, even the hardcore left-wing USA Today editorialized (http://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/2015/07/05/fracking-oil-gas-hydraulic-fracturing-epa-editorials-debates/29120887/)

what normal persons have said from the start, the fracking scare is straight out of Frankenstein.

Liberal true-believers, 99 percent of the Ah Believe chorus, have been spectacular failures for decades trying to prove freacking will end the world. Boys, here is a ball.Go play.

The apostles of fracking and climate change should only be allowed out on Halloween.


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