Home OP-ED Banning Plastic Bags?

Banning Plastic Bags?


It may be a worthy notion to ban plastic bags.

However, poor liberals are unable to forward a a remotely cerebral reason beyond “because I say so.”

Clarity is the enemy of liberals.

The entirety of liberal lives is based on that bully boy anti-intellectual threat. Bullying comes so naturally to leftists.

Like a blind girl creating a complex dinner salad, the Los Angeles Times sparingly inserted several guess-based, impressive sounding statistics into this morning’s shrill, overheated emotion-driven, maniacal stand against plastic bags.

Hands on hips the way mama used to stand, the Times’s scolds bitterly denounce plastic bag manufacturers for trying to remain in business because – well, because that is how bully boys make a living.

As loyal, robotic liberals who do what they are told, the Times declared itself a stronger hater of see-through, allegedly single-use plastic bags than, say, ISIS, or the latest Obama-endorsed ayatollah du jour.

Here is a number more precise than the scary, unprovable plastic bags data pushed by the Times:

During Mr. Obama’s mud-slinging slog through Asia last week, the least respected president in modern history insulted the U.S., his putative homeland, on 18 separate, documented occasions – which is more than we can say about the plastic bags propaganda.

Says the Times, self-righteously, reaching into the air:

“Americans use about 100 billion single-use plastic bags a year, as many as 15 billion in California alone.”

If the Times had to prove its data, the newspaper would have been driven into the ditch years ago.

Next thing you know, the Times will admit that sickly, staggering Hillary is in frail health – on Nov. 9.


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