Home OP-ED Are Trump, Obama the Same Person?

Are Trump, Obama the Same Person?

Mr. Trump, Mr. Obama

There are only three obvious differences between Donald Trump and President Bizarro Obama:

  • One is 50 percent white and the other is 100 percent.
  • Mr. Trump’s IQ is 65 points higher than the president’s.
  • Mr. Trump says radical Islamic terrorists are roaming the world. Mr. Obama, who said it was “workplace violence” when a crazy Muslim soldier slaughtered 13 troops at Ft. Hood a few years ago, believes Lutherans are the prime perpetrators.
  • Regardless of pigmentation, the fabric is identical. They are the two thinnest-skinned politicians above ground in America.
  • Mr. Trump is truthful 70 percent of the time, Mr. Obama, less than 5 percent.
  • Mr. Trump understood the world more clearly 50 years ago than Mr. Obama does today.
  • If they switched parties this afternoon, Mr. Obama w consistently would be portrayed – accurately for the first time – as a buffoon, Mr. Trump as one of the leftover Wise Men from the first Christmas.
  • Now that Michelle, pragmatically speaking, has shed him, Mr. Obama sleeps with climate change every night. Mr. Trump says climate change is a myth, which must mean the president, fittingly, is sleeping in an empty bed. Makes him feel at home cerebrally.
  • Mr. Trump favors attacking and wiping out ISIS with live troops from America and other countries. Mr. Obama, who calls the caveman Muslims ISIL to draw attention to himself, prefers diplomacy, the same phony tactic he used to neutralize the barbaric mullahs with his faux Iran agreement.
  • Mr. Trump confesses he is a narcissist. “What is a narcissist?” asked Mr. Obama as he preened for an inoperative camera.


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