Home OP-ED Anti-Gun Violence Rally

Anti-Gun Violence Rally

Basil Kimbrew

Wednesday afternoon at 1 o’clock on the steps of Los Angeles City Hall – please join Women Against Gun Violence, Democratic Congresspersons Karen Bass, Xavier Becerra, Judy Chu, Lucille Roybal-Allard and me for a National Day of Action on Gun Violence Prevention.

After a 26-Hour No Bill, No Break sit-in the House of Representatives last week, members of Congress are back in their districts to continue pushing for a vote on federal legislation to end gun violence.

The National Day of Action will have the same message as the sit-in: A demand that House Speaker Paul Ryan authorize an up-or-down vote on bipartisan bills

One expands background checks. Another bans people on terrorism watch lists from buying guns.

We hope you will join us.

If so, please wear orange, bring signs and photos of those you have lost to gun violence. We will have tee-shirts, orange ribbons, and signs if you do not have your own.

Take time today and tomorrow to contact the state Assembly because Thursday, Assembly members will be voting Thursday on the following bills:

* SB 880 (closes the bullet button loophole).

* SB 894 (reporting lost or stolen firearms).

• SB 1235 (licensing ammunition and performing background checks on purchasers).

* SB 1407 (regulating self-manufactured or self-assembled firearms).

* SB 1446 (prohibits possession of high capacity magazines).

Call, email or tweet your Assembly member. Let him or her know you support these critical gun safety bills.

Together we can make a difference.

#StrongerTogether #TippingPoint

Mr. Kimbrew may be contacted cafriendsofaacc@gmail.com


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