Home OP-ED A Vacation in the Country

A Vacation in the Country

Mike Hennessey
Mike Hennessey

Dateline Dayton — I took a week’s vacation in exchange for working days when I should have been off.

When we decided to get away on Saturday morning, we took Jake to the doggy hotel and headed for Nashville. Arriving in early afternoon, we did not have hotel reservations. In the rush of things, I made the reservation for the wrong night.

Of course, no rooms were available, standard for this hotel chain. I will not use them again. Even though I am a Rewards member, they made no effort to help me locate a room elsewhere. This is something I have experienced at other properties, even if I’m not a member of their program.

As the clerk canceled my reservation, which I made in error for the next night, somehow he was able to find a room, however, the cost would be $100 more. What a ripoff. Not knowing if I would be able to find another room, I accepted their offer.

Saturday evening we attended the Grand Old Opera, another disappointment.

Early for the program, we paid for overpriced popcorn and water, even higher than at the ballpark, and then proceeded to sit on a bench, savoring our overpriced goodies.

After awhile I suggested we go inside where the seats would be more comfortable. Wrong again. The seats were old church pews. I told Pauline that the people who would be sitting in front of us, would probably have on cowboy hats.

A gentleman was sitting in the end seat, which turned out to be one of ours. Since there was room, we told him to stay where he was. The arrangement worked out. We had a clear view of the stage. Ironically, the man in the end seat had his view obscured when a fan in a cowboy hat sat in front of him.

How Disappointing

I had expected to hear grand old country music, which I enjoy. There was some. Mostly, though, the fare was what I refer to as jungle music. That is where the singer, using the term loosely, belts out sounds you can’t understand, possibly trying to call animals.

Sunday we were expecting a free breakfast at the hotel. Disappointed again, we overpaid for a so-so meal. After breakfast, we took a tour of Nashville, which was enjoyable. Our drive/tour guide, Lee, did an outstanding job.

We toured the Ryman Theater. I learned why the Grand Old Opry has church pews for seating. The original theater was built for use as a church, which it was for many years. They continued the tradition at the Opry’s new home. We toured the Country Music Hall of Fame. If you are really into country music, you could spend a week.

After the tour, we drove to Mississippi, to spend a few days in Tunica. Fortunately I did have the right dates for this reservation. No problems at the Gold Strike Casino/Hotel.

We took advantage of the indoor pool and hot tub. Later we visited other casinos in the area, leaving little money with any of them. We ate at a different place each day.

Tuesday we attended a circus performance at our casino, standard fare but entertaining.

By Wednesday we were on our way home because I had a dental appointment Thursday, a meeting Friday with the attorney for Joe, my late brother-in-law, and a Dragons’ baseball game on Saturday night. We also went to Carillon Park on Saturday for an event that highlighted Dayton businesses.

We were back at the ballpark on Monday night for another Dragons’ game, and they won, which is news.

Mr. Hennessey may be contacted at pmhenn@sbcglobal.net


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