Home OP-ED A Teacher’s Dead Wrong Plea

A Teacher’s Dead Wrong Plea


Torrential rains flooded the Southern California deserts this morning. Twice since midnight, the planet we call moon has skidded perilously off course. At 5:12 this morning, the sun made a freakish brief appearance in our startled skies.

For the first time since Swish Obama became kind of president, the Los Angeles Times this morning stumbled into a correct perspective on major policy, whether all teachers should be dues-paying members of far left unions.

Compulsion, remember, is the life’s blood of liberals.

The Supreme Court today heard the case of an Orange teacher, Susan Friedrichs, who has sued the California Teachers Assn., hardly a virgin in a sluttish world. She  contends she should not have to join the ultra liberal teachers union at her school.

The correct answer is yes, she should. Under today’s circumstances, she must be compelled, ugly as that may seem. The reasoning is as unsurprisingly brief as a union leader’s attention span. Without full participation, there is incurable chaos in payroll, incurable resentment in the “teachers unions,” traditionally a repository for crooks No elucidation required.

In a rare spasm of Times’ clarity, the newspaper explained this morning:

“The system works this way: Once a union has been chosen by majority vote to represent all employees, workers who decline to join nevertheless are assessed a fee to cover costs related negotiations over wages and working conditions. But they can opt out of paying additional fees related to the union’s political activities by requesting a rebate.”

The notion of a “teachers union” is a belly whopper of mammoth proportions that should be confined to one volume of child’s fairy tales.

Many educators, especially older ones, would have us genuflect upon being graced with a whiff of their saintly presence. Employing shop-worn practiced piety, they burble “I have sacrificed my life for the love of children” gaseousness. Most of them still tend to choke on an internal giggle when they utter that fatuous line.

As for Ms. Friedrichs, I am philosophically sympathetic because for 90 percent of union leaders, appointment to their hometown mafia would be a step up morally.

One hundred and one percent of crooked union leaders – another superfluity – are Democrats, as are 102 percent of dedicated teachers.

Nevertheless, to avoid the chaos that Democrats and their socialist cousins traditionally crave, all in or all out of union membership, boys and girls.


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